Friday, May 4, 2007

goin' to china!

It's Friday, May 4, and the big U of M Orchestra trip for China begins on Monday!
I will be feeling my way through this, hoping to post from abroad when I get the opportunity.
Since this is purely for family and friends, I hope to get comments, even updates from the home front.
See ya'll in June!


Denise said...

Leaving for China tomorrow....playing beatiful music acriss the globe!!
Oroin is oerfect by the way..congrts to your family and their perfect little family..the next generation begins!!!
Wow what a wonderful world...

Denise said...

An honest to gosh Chinese masage!! has made for some interesting out of the ordinary stuff here at home....

Hope you are having a great time

Andrew said...

Mom! I reckon you're in China now! How is it? is everything so overwhelming that you can't even handle it? (don't worry, it's not your eyes that haven't adjusted, everything actually IS written in a different language!)

Key phrases to learn, ASAP in China:
-Thank you
-Yes, I know we all look alike. No I'm not Jennifer Love Hewett.... or any other superstar.... stop staring at me!
-Hooray Communism!
-Where is the toilet?

Hope everythings going well. Thinkin' of you, from France, where stuffed Sarkozy keychains are selling like hotcakes!

Andrew said...
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Unknown said...

Hey, how's China so far? Still getting over jetlag?
I just finished two grueling custody evaluation reports with the recommendation of "everyone stops fighting!!"
Also, my "new" roommate is moving out next month so I have to get used to another "new" roommate. I feel like living in a foster home when I have no control over who I live with and have to follow all these house rules.
Working at the MED is always exciting. Can't wait to see you in 5B when you're back!
Say hi to my friends in China (as if I have many:)