Saturday, May 19, 2007

First concert down!

We just finished the first concert, and just in time, too. I'm starting to get homesick. Sandra and I both have been thinking, we've had about enough of playing in student orchestras.
but the enthusiasm!! Berstein's Candide Overture was fine, if at a bit of a relaxed tempo, Then the Memphians left and the Chinese backed up a student playing the Prokofiev Piano concerto. Then strings only (both continents) for "FUnky Chicken" (if you don't know, please don't ask - it's short, and it rocks). Then a short trumpet solo with string orch and harp. Second half was Grofe's Grand Canyon Suite, complete with video complementing each movement, sunrise, on the trail, cloudburst, you get the idea. Then as an encore we played a composition that Memphis Symphony's resident composer put together several years ago for Memphis in May, called Memphis Medley. really pretty good arrangement, and it also rocked. The Chinese kids ate it up! One guy in the viola section, watching him, you wondered how he could play he was rocking so much. And of course the audience loved it. And boy do they do bouquets here! No propriety, it's strictly popularity.
we do the whole thing one more time, At a different location, tomorrow night. My goal tomorrow is to buy another suitcase, becasue I've bought so much STUFF I'll need a second case to get it all home!
And here's a surprise, today, it was NOT smoggy! I don't know what was different, But for the first time I could see a horizon. The smog hasn't been bothersome, no breathing problems to report, just... THERE.
And no, Andrew, I did not have to order Starbuck's in Chinese, they knew that much English, but at the place where I am tonight, No amount of gesturing could get her to understand "Diet Coke", till she went to get someone else.
as usual, someone else wantl to borrow my 'puter to email home, so I'll close now

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Well, I'm on my little fifteen minute break between classes on Monday morning (about to go into a 45 min. class with no teacher, so it's always way harder) and I just read this post. Sounds like you're having a blast! So the chinese orchestra is the student orchestra? And you guys are there to do demonstrations, or just to play and have fun, or what exactly?